6:00. So how HOT is it? Hello?
6:20. Comedian Chuck Nice says Amy Schumer wasn’t so nice.
7:00. It will be illegal to do this with your pet. Weed Guy Joe Lachance
Check out the Marijuana Policy Project.
7:20. Dumb Ass News. The idiot who caused a wipe out seen by the world.
7:30. A local guy, Nick Wehry, is going off to compete in Nathan’s Hot Dog eating contest. How close is he to Joey Chestnuts number?
7:40. Can you name one Ethiopian dish? Chaz couldn’t. Jeff the CEO.
8:00. Imagine being the first person eaten by a shark. (Maybe he wasn’t the first but this could be the oldest shark attack on record…) Nick the Science Guy from the CT Science Center
8:20 – 9:00. What do you think the best special effects movie is? Movie Critic Joe Meyers.
@Joesview on Instagram and Twitter
9:00. Joe Biden and Donald Trump check in
9:20. Dumb Ass News. Snake handler says the dumbest thing when he got bit in the face.
9:30. The Offspring has a new album out. And it’s awesome. Dexter and Noodles of The Offspring up next.