Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Thursday, April 29

Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Thursday, April 29

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PLR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


6:00. Menthol cigarettes going bye bye?

6:13 – 7:00. What are the top albums of the last fifty years. 1971 on.
7:00. Mayor Justin Eliker with an important proclamation.
7:13. Dumb Ass News. We’d be the dumb asses if we didn’t play you some old PLR audio.
7:20. Jeff Warshaw the CEO of the company.
7:30 – 8:00. Call in if you have a PLR story. 877-764-2636
8:00. Senator Blumenthal broke off his breakfast with the President to call in to sing happy birthday.
NFL Agent Joe Linta with a happy birthday message from Tom Brady.
8:13. Jimmy Koplik’s top 5 Connecticut concerts in the last 50 years.
8:20. Governor Lamont will sing is happy birthday while gargling milk.
8:30. Some dusty Jimmy Koplik concert commercials we found in the archives.
9:00. Our Market Vice President Kristin Okesson will sing happy birthday while chugging water.
Vice President of Programming Keith Dakin.
9:13. Eddie Wazoo assaulted by Rick Neilson from Cheap Trick.
9:20. Stoneman audio. We may have him actually stoned.