Kenny from Eliminate ‘Em was on to offer some info and advice to keep the ticks off of you and your pets. (0:00)
Dumb Ass News – Chaz, with AJ on the phone from home, ripped a recent announcement from a University in the UK about the statue they are planning to construct. (8:33)
Scot Haney and WFSB cameras were in the building yesterday to shoot a package with Chaz. Scot talks a bit about his birthday, and shared a story about the time the camera picked up an unmistakable fart. (18:20)
Diana was very excited to share her fact about coffee beans for Fun Fact Friday, but an early flubble derailed her, and distracted Chaz, Ashley and Phil. (23:16)
Comedian Kerryn Feehan is fully vaccinated, and coming to perform in CT this weekend. She was on the phone to share some doubts about the guy she’s been dating, and then tried to help Ashley with her weight loss struggles. (27:00)
Boss Keith’s Top 5 was about the things from his childhood he no longer gets excited for, and AJ called in for the segment, but wound up getting teased for not helping enough during his medical crisis. (37:55)
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