The song for AJ in a Box has been chosen, “The Lion Sleeps Tonight.” Ashley read some facts about the song from the internet, Phil crunched the numbers on how many times AJ will hear it if he lasts 24 hours. Then, Chaz’s wife Jennifer called in to attempt to sing the highest notes. (0:00)
Chaz and AJ talked about the Pfizer announcement regarding their COVID-19 vaccine, and then played a bunch of clips about Alex Trebek’s death, including an outtakes reel. (11:09)
Dumb Ass News – A man put his hands down his underwear in public, but the real focus of the segment was on Ashley wearing the same pair of socks, multiple days in a row. (27:48)
Kevin Estela the survivalist was on to help AJ survive his 24 hours in the box with some mental tricks, then Captain Joe Murgo from the East Haven police was on to offer AJ the chance to switch places. He said he’d go in the box and listen to the song, if AJ would deal with his kids for 24 hours. It was a no deal. (37:18)
Chaz and AJ realized “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” was released just before AJ was born, so they called his mom in Florida to ask if the song had a hand in AJ’s conception. (50:46)
If you began to think the 24 hours in a box would be easy for AJ, this is the segment where you could hear the cracks start to form. AJ remembered multiple times in past years that he started to get some dark thoughts. (52:54)