May 22, 2:02 PM
Katie Dykes from the CT DEEP was on to talk about which beaches are open this weekend, and the rules that are in place for social distancing. (0:00)
Karen’s birthday call went off the rails pretty quickly, but involved a lot of laughs. (7:14)
Karen’s birthday celebrations continued into Dumb Ass News, with Jennifer on the phone. (12:36)
“All on the Line” premieres tonight on Discovery, and Aldo will be in it. He was on the phone with Chaz and AJ to talk about fishing, how to keep wild tuna, and what to expect from the show. (16:53)
During “Winner of the Week,” Chaz and AJ took some calls from the Tribe about utility workers, plumbers, farmers and American military members. (31:22)
Do you need some tips on what to put on your hot dog this weekend? Eric Hummel from Hummel Bros. was on with some advice, and reveals the insane amount of hot dogs they make for Memorial Day weekend. (39:44)
A man plans to marry his cat after a breakup and some time in quarantine. (49:11)
Boss Keith’s favorite weekend is Memorial Day weekend, and he was pissed that he can’t do it how he wants to. (52:40)