Mighty John the Record Guy talks about the most valuable Rolling Stones albums, and answers the Tribe’s questions about their collections (0:00)
The Surgeon General is tired of people buying all the masks, and audio of a moron on TV doing nothing to help people feel better about Coronoavirus (12:24)
Dumb Ass News – the internet suggests people use frozen potatoes for hemorrhoid treatment, and dumbasses are believing it (28:30)
Joe “The Weed Guy” LaChance has the latest on the legal weed fight in Connecticut, and the important stuff happening at the public hearing today (33:18)
Why Are You At Court Today? Richard was interviewed about his day at WalMart; Attorney Brittany Paz offers advice on Richard’s situation after using a racial slur (50:31)
Police in Ohio had to respond to a report of an illegal pet in someone’s basement – an alligator (1:04:17)