6:00. When and where. The Connecticut toll plan revealed.
6:13. Sports powered by Road Ready Used Cars.
6:20. Ashley’s maid of honor speech.
6:30. A sample of what not to do.
6:40. We give Ashley our advice.
7:00. What the note said found on the abandoned dog found in Connecticut.
7:13. Sports powered by Road Ready Used Cars.
7:20. Dumb Ass News. A clown causes riot on a cruise ship.
7:30. Ron from “Skydive for Veterans” is on the phone to talk about the 4th Annual Freedom Jump on September 7th!
7:40. Chaz jumped out of an airplane! We have audio!
8:00. When and where. The new Connecticut toll fight revealed.
8:13. Sports powered by Road Ready Used Cars.
8:20 – 8:30. AJ takes the millennial quiz.
8:40. Phil’s review of Once Upon a time in Hollywood.
9:00. Brian Adams. Billy Idol.
9:13. Sports powered by Road Ready Used Cars.
9:20. Dumb Ass News. Local dumb Ass chugs Clamato. Clamato strikes back.
9:30. Save Big Auction.