6:00. Chaz and AJ News. The tolls have passed their first hurdle. Patrick Sasser on to continue leading the fight against them. Sign the petition here.
6:13. Chaz and AJ Sports Buzzer powered by Road Ready Used Cars.
6:20. Meet Michelle.
6:30-650 Your calls and more info on Michelle
7:00. Chaz and AJ News. Was the Silver Sands fire arson?
7:13. Chaz and AJ Sports Buzzer powered by Road Ready Used Cars.
7:20. Dumb Ass News. What did the elderly woman say?
7:30. Attorneys Hugh Keefe and Tara Knight.
7:40. Street Pete
7:50. Calls.
8:00. Chaz and AJ News. Woman in New Britain in possession of a crocodile.
8:13. Chaz and AJ Sports Buzzer powered by Road Ready Used Cars.
8:20. Jimmy Koplik talks about this Saturday’s sold out Kiss show.
8:30 – 850 Andrew confronts his roommate
9:00. Chaz and AJ News.
9:13. Chaz and AJ Sports Buzzer powered by Road Ready Used Cars.
9:20. Dumb Ass News. Man shoots himself trying to kill a cockroach
9:30. Trapper Don on the show to promote this weekends’ fundraiser for St. Jude at the Meriden Rod and Gun Club
9:50. Your 4 second final thoughts